Role: Lead Designer, PO | Platform: Mobile | Date: End 2017
Team: Alexandre Duarte (Programmer), Andressa Peil (Marketing), Elias Caetano (Designer), Alison Ramos(Designer)
In 2015, unemployment was the biggest problem in Brazil. 13.8 millions citizens did not have any legal and registered job. So I started to do some research on applications that provide search for instant job, the only two references in worldwide market were Ninja Job a service provide portal and a iBackpacker mobile application.
In the quantitative form 33,3% of the candidates answered that they are working in a full-time contract job and other side 16,7% of the candidates answered that they actually are in a temporary job.
Qualitative interview was done to discover how the life of an unemployed is and the path that the person walks to find a great job.
Benchmark was an essential step of the Project, with this phase we are able to identify which opportunities the martket is already offering, the quality of the Jobs and new ideas like the gamefication and level per job as a life game.
User Journey: Identifying pain points on the looking for job process
This tool allowed us to see a macro view of all user’s journey path. We had this step with Andressa (also member of the team) a great person that was looking for a job in her area and she helped us to see the big picture.
We had a lot of fun when putting the service in the place of other brands “If GoodJob was as Pokemon Go, how would it behave? If GoodJob was as uber how would the person accept the most near job? If the employer and employee are both cryptocurrency investors how would be the payment?”.
Brainstorming & Analysis
As we had so many ideas, we had to choose some of then to start the Project. This analysis helped us to understand what will be the development cost and the user needs. We have the chance to choose features that motivate the team to creat, for example, the conversational interface feature is something new to all members and, as a challenge, everybody wants to invest time on it.
Task flows
As the project advance in a new level, the flow of employee and employer was defined as simples as possible.
Flows considered: Apply to a job, Job in progress, Payment receive, Add new job, Job notification, Provide payment.
Low fidelity prototype was drawn so the team can start to design the database, visual and interaction accordingly.
Sketch component library
Sketch library was defined to facilitate the high fidelity prototype. All components is thinking on different mobile scability and responsiveness.
Mobile prototype
As the sketch library was ready to be used, it was easy to build the first screens of Good Job application. Those are medium fidelity prototype, it can be used now to test the idea and the screens with real public.
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